SeekingRenee posted in the group Welcome To Let’s Pause
Welcome to Let’s Pause!
My name is Renee. I’m 47 years old, a mother, a business owner, a truth seeker and curious woman navigating her life after 40. Forty, for me, brought on a whirlwind of change. It literally happened overnight. It began with a midlife crisis, which compounded my drinking. And, as of a few months ago, I received that call. Yes that dreadful gyno call. “Renee you are officially in perimenopause.” I knew in my heart that I had entered this phase as my symptoms were all too clear. I just needed confirmation and there it was….the M word!
So here I am looking for community, support, guidance and understanding from strong, capable and competent women. This forum is our safe space, to discuss Midlife, Addiction and Menopause. I am excited to meet each of you and looking forward to sharing our journey together.Please introduce yourself in this group. I look forward to getting to know each of you.
Stronger Together,Renee
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