Alexandra joined the group October 2023
SeekingRenee posted in the group October 2023
Seven years ago I began my unhealthy relationship with alcohol. I was a heavy social drinker. Lets just say I never had one glass. But during this transitional time, my drinking was becoming a daily occurrence. What began as social drinking, turned into 2 glasses a night, then 3, then 4. And as my tolerance built so did my drinking. I was…Read More
SeekingRenee posted in the group October 2023
Until writing these posts, I hadn’t spent much time thinking about those few years. To be quite frank, midlife mom was acting like a crazed teenager. And although some decisions were carefully executed, others were made rather impulsively. It was an transcendental experience and an uncoupling of who I was. I was redefining my individuality and…Read More
Katngorenc joined the group Welcome To Let’s Pause
Katngorenc joined the group October 2023
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Alcohol and Menopause
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